Saturday, November 24, 2012

2 years later

I totally forgot I created a blog. A blog to complain about my weight and what the hell I planned to do about it. Since I wasn't working, I justified my not working out by not being able to afford it. Mother-in-law to the rescue! She paid for me to go to Jazzercise. Which I love doing. I love to Jazzercise. I went for about 1 year, got a job and that I decided it would be hard to get their my first year working. Plus the time I got out of work would cut it close to even getting there on time. So I stopped. I maintained my weight loss, then Christmas hit and I didn't. I gained 10 lbs after Christmas. So I've been trying watch what I eat, I've lightened up my lunches at work, cut down on snacking, and lost 2 lbs. 2 is better than zero!